So, you’ve written your book and are ready to make your mark on the literary world. You’ve spent months, maybe even years, imagining the thrill of seeing your words in print, captivating readers and stirring emotions with each page... but there’s still one more step.
The query process.
Querying, dear writers, is a ride full of excitement, anticipation, and sometimes pure anxiety. Because of this, you must be able to assess when your manuscript is truly ready for the process. In this introduction, I’ll talk about the importance of being prepared and the key signs that tell you your manuscript is set to go. Ready? Let’s get started.
Polish and Precision in Writing
When preparing your book for the query process, I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to showcase strong writing skills encompassing proper grammar, syntax, and sentence structure. It is not uncommon for new authors to assume that the bulk of editing gets done once a publisher takes hold of their book, but that is not the case.
These elements contribute significantly to creating a polished and professional manuscript that captivates agents and publishers, so they should be established before you send that first letter.
Thorough editing, revising, and proofreading are important elements which will help to eliminate any errors or inconsistencies, ensuring a smooth reading experience.
You will also want to consider seeking feedback from beta readers or critique partners, as it can immensely improve the overall quality of your manuscript through valuable insights and constructive criticism, refining your work to its fullest potential.
Always remember: Constructive criticism is your friend, NOT your foe!
Cohesive Plot and Engaging Storytelling
Your future readers want a book with a plot that holds their attention from start to finish. A well-structured narrative with compelling conflicts and twists keeps readers eagerly turning pages and engaged throughout.
Focus on creating well-defined characters to add depth and relatability to the story. This will allow readers to connect with the characters on an emotional level, which is extremely important for their enjoyment of your story. And don’t forget about building a fleshed-out world for your characters to exist in.
Finally, a satisfying resolution will bring closure to the narrative, leaving readers with a sense of fulfillment. Alternatively, you can use cliffhangers to build interest in future stories within your novel’s universe.
Within your plot, character creation, and world-building, incorporate vivid imagery, skillful pacing, and a unique narrative voice. By going the extra mile in these areas, you’ll be more likely to capture the interest of literary agents or publishers, showcasing your talent and ability to create an immersive world that stands out in the highly competitive literary market.
Market Awareness and Genre Fit
Do you know your genre? How about your target market? Understanding your intended readership and the conventions of your genre will help you tailor your work to meet the expectations and preferences of literary agents or publishers.
You might resist this idea, fearing it will take away from your unique story or voice, but if you’re pitching to traditional publishers, it’s important to consider both the market and your genre. By researching current trends and successful books within your genre, you can align your manuscript with these trends and incorporate elements that have proven successful, increasing your chances of capturing the interest of industry professionals.
You may even find a publisher during this process who has worked with books similar to yours, making them a top contender for your query list!
Professional Formatting and Presentation
One of the more frustrating parts of querying your novel is the need to adhere to the unique requests of each publisher and literary agent you reach out to. Thankfully, there are some basic elements you can prepare to make it easier on yourself.
Before querying, be sure to have the following ready:
Your pitch
The synopsis of your novel
The outline of your query letter (to be tweaked for each target)
An author biography
The goal here is to ensure your manuscript is presented in a consistent and polished manner while being personalized to each publisher or agent’s specific requests. Let’s use “Publisher 1” and “Publisher 2” to see what these differences could look like:
Publisher 1
When sending your submission, please write your query letter in the body of the email and attach the first 10 pages of your novel.
Publisher 2
All submissions must be sent via email, and all items must be included in the body. Include the following:
A 150-word author biography and social links
Your story pitch
The synopsis of your novel
When querying, you must carefully follow the submission guidelines provided by literary agents or publishing houses. Each agent or publisher will have specific requirements, such as preferred file formats, word counts, or specific information they want to see in a query. Respecting and adhering to these guidelines shows respect for the industry professionals’ time and increases the chances of your manuscript receiving a fair evaluation.
If you’re not ready to put in the work to get it right when sending your queries, you’re not yet ready to query.
Confidence and Self-Assessment
Last but certainly not least, when you’re trying to assess if you’re ready to query, it’s you who will really determine the answer to that question.
Ask yourself these questions right now:
Do YOU feel that your book is polished?
Do YOU feel that your book best represents the work you can produce?
Do YOU feel confident in the quality of your manuscript?
Are you prepared to send out at least 100 query letters and deal with 99 rejections?
That last one is as real as it gets. Because of this, it’s important that not just your manuscript, but you yourself, are ready to embark on the query process. If you don’t think your ego can handle rejection at this point in your career (and I mean that in the kindest way possible!), then you’re only going to hurt yourself.
Start by requesting external perspectives. Seek feedback from writing communities, friends, and even strangers online. Receive some criticism and get used to it. Once you’ve waded in the shallow end for a while, you’ll be ready to dive into the deep end of querying.
Final Thoughts
Embarking on the journey to publication requires persistence, patience, and unwavering belief in your work. Remember, the querying process has its ups and downs, but don’t let rejections discourage you. Stay confident in the quality of your manuscript and seek feedback to refine it further. Use constructive criticism to fuel your growth as a writer.
With each rejection, you’re one step closer to finding the right fit. So keep going, keep querying, and never lose sight of your dreams. Your words deserve to be shared with the world.
Best of luck on your publishing journey!
(And hey, if you’d like to send me a query, I’m a great person to start with!)